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Changing Seasons. Oh Baby!

As you've maybe noticed (hopefully not), I took the month of March completely off of writing and posting. Sometimes you need to rejuvenate to reignite the fire. March was a time to hang on to winter for just a few more weeks and go on vacation! My husband and I took a nice stroll to Florida and the Bahamas. It’s always a nice time to relax with each other with no interruptions. We have so much fun together. Of course we missed the kids, but it’s good for our marriage and the kids were just fine with Steve’s parents.

Oh Baby!

On top of being busy I wasn’t feeling the best. As you know I have 2 beautiful kiddos. Having a 3rd had been tossed around quite a bit in the last few years. We were pretty set with our 2 healthy kids until December when we decided, why not? You only live once and the beauty of making your own children is such a blessing. As our kids get older, we miss the younger phases – they go so fast! Needless to say, we’re having a 3rd baby in October!

Emotions and Excitement: A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from ones circumstances. The first wave of feeling’s as we found out we were expecting. We feel extremely blessed that it took us 1 try; it was meant to be. I’ve always felt like I’ve had a sense that tells me what is right and when is the right time. If you know me, you know I never settle for anything less than my best. Maybe I’ll feel our family is complete after 3? Needless to say, we are all very excited! Steve is an amazing dad and hard worker. He is truly one of a kind and I could not do this without him, literally. It is so rewarding watching him parent our kids. Griffin and Millie are ecstatic. They actually helped our decision to go for 3. Millie loves babies and has always wanted a real baby! Griffin is a great big brother and looks forward to being a big brother 2 times! Of course they each want their own gender, we shall see who wins.

Flabbergasted: to surprise someone greatly; astonish. We were not surprised at our family’s reaction when we broke the news at 11 weeks. We never talk about having 3 kids with anyone else, naturally right? It’s not a topic of conversation. After the initial surprise, everyone was excited for us. I am bringing an even number of cousins to the Pletsch side (I always like to get even) and an odd number to the Weinzierl side (I like being different).

Was this an oops or? Oh goodness, no! Is this a popular question for a 3rd baby or what? I’ve had this question from numerous people. Fortunately I’ve had a lot of experience and I teach middle school health. I know how to not have a baby, haha. We pulled the plug in January and my egg was fertilized in January. We were ready!

The scare: I had just hit 12 weeks last week and was starting to tell people when I had an ‘accident’ on Monday. I rushed in to my clinic and had an emergency ultra sound to see what was going on. The baby was naturally doing push-ups (thank god) and was doing just fine with a heartbeat of 161. I had a Subchorianic Hematoma/Hemorrhage. Basically a tear outside of the uterus causing a pooling of blood, which caused the accident. This brings us to this week. I am currently on ‘pelvic rest’. I have a 1.5cm hematoma that needs to heal itself and reabsorb into my body. So I’m resting by laying low, light walking and just basic household chores. Hoping that each day gets better and better. I have another ultrasound this week to see where we are at and make sure the baby is ok. Please send your prayers our way.

Changing Seasons: April is here and so is the sunshine, finally! As soon as I am back to my regularly scheduled programing I will be jump starting my online fitness calendar for the summer. Are you getting outside and thinking about summer goals? Stay tuned for a new calendar and fun outdoor fitness ideas!


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