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"I’ve worked out more in the past few weeks than I did all of last year. Thanks for the motivation"! - Alison K.


"Hey Coach!! Your program is working!! Not only by the scale (I know I shouldn’t but I still do), more importantly my “skinny” pants fit comfortably again!! Running feels a little easier. And more definition in my abs & arms. Thank you for your guidance" (you should see her abs)!!!! - Kristi K.


"I have lost 20 lbs since Halloween and I have to say a large part of that is just seeing your posts and seeing what shape you are in! I know I haven't done any of your workouts but i'm doing my own stuff and eating better. You are some of my inspiration. It's going to be a long road if I want to get into "your" shape but I'm happy with my progress and I have to say thank you for motivating me! Huge jump start on a new year's resolution! Have a great New Year"! - Jen K. 



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